
Breaking thru Paradigms of Inertia to Financial Independence

Breaking thru Paradigms of Inertia to Financial Independence

Breaking thru Inertia – 8/3/16


So two weeks have passed since my awakening to pursue purpose. I’ve developed a framework for my corporation, three legged stool focused on generating passive income via websites, traditional stock / derivative investing and purchasing debt paper (such as direct loans thru Prosper and real estate debt thru yearly state public sales). These are the main pillars but other passive income streams could include direct real estate investment or direct sales thru eBay or Amazon. As far as progress towards taking the idea from concept to actualization, I’ve come up with a corporate name (– old Latin and French words which literally translate to increasing assets), determined the corporate structure I will use (LLC), identified the incorporation service I will use ( and identified the hosting platform I will use (Bluehost). Finally I’ve transferred the funds to pay for the corporation, which will be it’s first business investment. In all I plan to seed $xxxx for the startup (~$xxx for startup costs; $xxxx for the derivative division, $xxxx for the website assets division and $xxxx for paper instruments division). I’ve taken step 2. The next step and posting will be incredibly exciting. I’m listening to Pat Flynn podcasts to drive away the negativity (doubts) and laziness (comfort) from current work salary. I need the agitation of dissatisfaction, fear of being too dependent on one income stream and motivation to achieve the dreams I had in my 20s.

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