
Jan – Mar 2019 Financial Independence Mindset Income Report

Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links for which I may make a small commission (at no extra cost to you) if you sign up for the services mentioned.

By starting to execute on my urgently intentionally experimental strategies (see post) I am now achieving tangible benefits thru increased passive income revenue growth (primarily Adsense Ads and Prosper interest). Recalling from my 2018 Income Report, my passive income ratio (passive income days/number of days in the month) ranged from 81% – 90 % in the last 6 months of 2018. As of or thru 31 Mar 19, it was 100%. And my passive income levels from Google Adsense have quadrupled from the then record highs I achieved in Nov ‘ 18. I attribute the growth to a couple two or three things:

  1. Being more intentionally experimental (by weekly focusing on building out my directory database and feeding consistent and more diverse content into my 1st website). Both of these have shown signs of success throughout my short LLC life and now I am going beyond using kindling to feed the fire.
  2. I followed thru on automating my Google Adsense advertising selections by turning on Google Adsense AutoAds (which I wrote about in this post) on all of my sites.
  3. I shared my thoughts (successes and setbacks) with the community of solopreneurs and investors via my Urgently Experimental post. The post, really a mindset and mental framework post, turned out to be my first triple-digit Pinterest pin and thus seemed to resonate with my followers and others on Pinterest who accessed the content. Perhaps because others have or are going thru the process now or because it distills information from different resources and in effect connects the dots in a way that leads to readers saying ‘ah ha’ yes I see some of those same traits in myself. My goal, as always, is to post meaningful content and likewise thru my Pinterest page repin and share others content that strikes a chord first with me and by consequence is likely meaningful to others. It takes a bit longer, curating ideas that connect multiple themes and sifting thru the myriad Pinterest Pins for ones that are truly rich (pun intended) 😊, but it is worth the effort.

As far as income generation, I continue to actively generate funds via Microworkers, Clickworkers and survey sites. I signed up with a new GPT (get paid to) site, Inbox Dollars. I’d formerly been an active participant on Inbox Pays but got stuck ~$30 of the way thru towards the $50 required to cash out. After numerous attempts to contact customer service, I happened upon a Google linked article that explained that the first $25 or so of earnings is thru opening emails but the remaining amount up to the $50 threshold has to come from utilizing the offered services. I’ve since abandoned Inbox Pays for Inbox Dollars. The pace of fund accumulation is slower, however, the cashout limit is set lower at $30 and I have read no negative reviews about getting people stopped just short of reaching the $50 threshold for cashing out. Update I’ve now met the minimum payout threshold by qualifying for a $100 scratch-off. I highly recommend this GPT site, sign up thru my referral link if you’re interested (InboxDollars Referral).

I am more aggressively pursuing affiliate revenue thru targeted posts on financial independence mindset, thru my Pinterest Fashion board and by more selectively focusing on travel support services on my 1st website. There are no major breakthroughs on those fronts but I am intentionally focusing there to generate the feedback to allow analysis and good decision making on pursuing those ideas further.

During the 2nd quarter of the calendar year I hope to complete designs for my logo and brand and identify the next social networking site I will become a part of. I’m on Twitter but I don’t really think that’s the site for me so am leaning towards Facebook but need to validate my intuition and then execute.

Sources of revenue for the 1st quarter have been:

Google Adsense

Prosper Investing

Dividend Income from Stock investment



Paidviewpoint (affiliate signup here)

QMEE (affiliate signup here)

Chitka (goes away on 30 April 2019 so will be removing from my sites)

Now on to my 1st Quarter 2019 Income Report

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