
How I use Pinterest Scheduler Tailwind to Explode My Reach – One Month Tailwind Review

How I use Pinterest Scheduler Tailwind to Explode My Reach – One Month Tailwind Review

Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links for which I may make a small commission (at no extra cost to you) if you sign up for the services mentioned.

How I use Pinterest Scheduler Tailwind to Explode My Reach – One Month Tailwind Review


I truly enjoy giving positive updates as it provides something beneficial that I can share with the community and quite frankly impacts me positively by way of reach, authority and financially. This is one of those updates. I alluded to this in my previous post on Google Adsense AutoAds and sort of previewed it in my post on Overcoming Procrastination. So, by way of quick review, I signed up for a free month of Tailwinds thru Nadalie Bardo. In the Procrastination post, I’d mentioned that she’d invited me to her Pinterest Group Board and then her Tailwind Tribe.


Tailwind Pinterest is an automated Pin scheduler that gathers all types of data from Pinterest pinners and optimizes the scheduling to coincide with the most likely times that one’s Pinterest Followers might be engaged. It also has a Tribe function where like-minded Pinners can submit content and have an opportunity for fellow Tribe members to share the content with their Followers. In the Adsense AutoAds post, I noted that my Adsense revenue had eclipsed my record September Adsense earnings only two-thirds of the way thru the month of October. I attributed this further increase to other positive factors beyond the Adsense AutoAds.


Tailwind Results

And now to the present. Around 18 September 2018, I activated my free trial of Tailwind. The results were instantaneous and explosive. I’d seen the Tailwind Pin publications but quite frankly thought they were gimmicky. Folks, they are not, the results are dramatic! Using Pinterest old Analytics of average daily impressions and average daily views, those have more than doubled in the former case and nearly tripled in the latter on an approximate 30-day basis. Likewise, the average monthly viewers and average monthly engaged metrics have nearly tripled in the former case and more than doubled in the latter. They are tabulated in the table below. You can also view the PDF version of the print screen results.

11 - 24 September 2018 Period02 November 30 day aggregatePercentage Difference
Average Daily Impressions138364164%
Average Daily Views111311180%
Average Monthly Viewers18455492198%
Average Monthly Engaged72148106%

Tailwind Benefits

Folks, if the benefits aren’t obvious then here, are some as I see them.

One, quicker extension to more viewers than one could accomplish by manual pinning. You can get there pinning manually but it would be time-consuming. The time has to come from somewhere, so its time diverted from engaging in other activities in your business, for me its time allowed to work on affiliate marketing strategies for different products and time to generate pins and more frequent blog posts. Pinterest in and of itself is a force multiplier. The DoD definition of a force multiplier is ‘a capability that, when added to and employed by a combat force, significantly increases the combat potential of that force and thus enhances the probability of successful mission accomplishment’. Stripping away the military jargon Pinterest asymmetrically exposes you and me to potential audiences and audience sizes that we would struggle to achieve on our own waiting for search engine authority ranking. Tailwind amplifies the multiplication effect by reducing the time sink of manual pinning.


Two, it’s an automated virtual assistance. I recently went on a 10-day vacation. Not wanting to let my Tailwind queue dry up I spent a little time identifying Pins I would publish during that week and a half. Note I’d already determined that for me the best strategy for pinning is to spend the first 3 or 4 days of the week identifying valuable pins for my followers, extended audience and myself. On Friday or throughout the weekend I layout my pinning optimization strategy and schedule using Tailwinds. I simply extended that tactic with the assumption that I would need to plan for 10 days as opposed to 6 or 7. Folks someone or some other entity extending your work effort when you physically can’t or don’t want to do it is the definition of a virtual assistant.


Three, Tailwind greatly expands my / your potential audience reach and as a result, creates opportunities to grow your Pinterest Follower base, you have more places to demonstrate your value and attract Followers. When you sign up for the Tailwind Plus package you are afforded an opportunity to join four additional Tribes (remember Tailwind Tribes are comparable with Pinterest Group Boards). Unlike Pinterest Group Boards, however, Tailwind Tribes are either Open or require Approval to join. Pinterest Group boards all require approval to join. Additionally, with Tailwind Plus you have an opportunity to submit 30 pins to each Tribe per 30-day period. That’s 150 opportunities to communicate the most valuable content to a potential audience and attract followers or customers.


Four, with the additional traffic you have greater income potential from advertising, for affiliate products or to market your own products and services because you have more eyeballs viewing your content.


Five, there is a larger pool and source of feedback to help make improvements in your blogging and marketing efforts. You can see what’s converting across bigger numbers. You see what gets clicked and/or what gets ignored in Analytics. This allows you to better tailor your message(s).


Tailwind Experience Summary

So, I couldn’t identify any negatives coming from my Tailwind Pinterest trial. And in fact, was so impressed with the results that I made my first investment in a tool in the blogging space. I signed up for Tailwind Plus (the yearly program version) that allows unlimited Pinning. My challenge now is to keep finding and creating interesting and beneficial content for followers and visitors.


I highly encourage anyone that is on the fence to signup for the Tailwind Free 30 day trial thru my link. Give it a try, a true run thru for a month and if you’ve been manually pinning as I had been doing, I would be shocked if you were disappointed and weren’t ready to make the investment for the yearly version.

Not quite ready to experiment with the full Tailwinds Plus trial, check out our bloggers supporting bloggers Tailwind Tribe for free for 30 days.


Resources or product mentions for this post:

Blog Post – Procrastination

Blog Post – Google Adsense AutoAds

Product - Free 30 day Tailwind Signup link


As always please comment or share this post and reach out to provide your experience with the free Tailwind trial.

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