Category: Breaking Mindset Inertia
MindSet Inertia and Roadblocks
Status 8/8 – Inertia & Roadblocks fight back So yes inertia set in and has stalled my progress (mindset, fears, unexpected circumstances). I transferred funds but realized I’d performed the transfer in reverse so had to correct but missed my initial target date of ~8/4. In any event the funds will be available, actually are…
Breaking thru Paradigms of Inertia to Financial Independence
Breaking thru Inertia – 8/3/16 So two weeks have passed since my awakening to pursue purpose. I’ve developed a framework for my corporation, three legged stool focused on generating passive income via websites, traditional stock / derivative investing and purchasing debt paper (such as direct loans thru Prosper and real estate debt thru yearly state public…
Paradigms for Financial Independent Mindset
Removing Personal Financial Inertia of the Mind and Replacing with Paradigms for Financial Independence (from 07-21-2016 inspiration) written on 07-28-2016) The pregnancy occurred in May or June 2014 when I was forced to confront the fact that left on my present course I would no longer be able to pay down my existing discretionary debt but…